
I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to my tutor, Mrs. Zhong Xiao, whose careful reading and suggestions have been invaluable to me throughout my thesis writing. Without her help, this thesis would never have come to the present stage. My thanks should also be given to all the teachers who have taught me my BA courses. Without their enthusiasm and support, this work would not have been possible.

I am also grateful to my classmates and roommates for their psychological support and encouragement. In particular, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my friend Zeng Yinjuan. Without her support and constant encouragement, the completion of my present paper would not have been possible.












With the development of globalization,China entering into WTO and the coming Olympic Games in 2008, international contacts have become more and more frequent. Our society is in great need of personnel who have a good command of knowledge and are able to communicate with people from different countries. How to make English teaching meet the needs of social and economic development has become an urgent task to English educators. Therefore, developing students’ intercultural communicative competence has been paid much attention in English teaching. Nowadays, it has been prescribed into the New English Curriculum Standards. Obviously, middle school English teachers are facing the challenge of exploring appropriate means of culture instruction in their teaching contents. However, because of the testing system, teachers’ academic proficiency, students’ attitude and so on, culture introduction has been ignored in middle schools and students’ intercultural competence is poorly developed. Since language and culture are inseparable,one cannot master the spirit of a foreign language without knowing its culture. Culture teaching should be given priority in English teaching. In the hope of improving culture teaching in middle school English classes, practical principles and effective techniques are suggested.

In this article, the author proceeds with the understanding of culture, then combines with the teaching practice as a intern in Wuhua Middle School to introduce some useful methods and ways through analyzing the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, discusses how to help students to learn culture differences at the beginning of English learning and how to relate Chinese and Western culture differences with language differences so as to develop students’ cultural sensitivity and their abilities to use various ways of communication flexibly, so as to enable students to carry out intercultural communication with English.

It will be demonstrated that teaching a foreign language in middle school is not just to give a homily on syntactic structures or learning new vocabulary and expressions, but mainly cultivate or incorporate some cultural elements, which are related with language itself. In a word, the positive result of the study shows that teaching target culture and cultivating students’ cultural awareness in English teaching is not only helpful to solve the existing problems in English teaching in Chinese secondary schools, but also significant to the individual development of the secondary school students.


Key Words: intercultural communicative competence    English teaching    intercultural awareness    culture










摘    要






关键词:跨文化交流能力    英语教学    跨文化意识    文化





Abstract (English)………………………………………………….…………………..ii

Abstract (Chinese)………………………………………………..………….…………iv


  1. Introduction……………………………………………………………..………..…1

1.1 Research purpose……………………………………………………..……..…..1

1.2 Research background……………………………………………………….……1

1.2.1 Researches abroad…………………………………………………..……..1

1.2.2 Researches at home……………………………………………………….3

  1. Language and culture…………………………………………..……………..….…3

2.1 What is language………………………………………………..……………….3

2.2 What is culture…………………………………………………..….…………..4

2.3 The relationship between language and culture……………………..…………..5

  1. The current situation of intercultural awareness cultivation in middle schoolEnglish teaching……………………………………………………..….…………………6

3.1 Teachers’ attitude to the intercultural awareness cultivation……….…………..6

3.2 Students’ attitude to the intercultural awareness cultivation……………………8

3.2.1 Students’ motivation…………………………………………….………8

3.2.2 Students’ competence……………………………………….………..…9

  1. The necessity of intercultural awareness cultivation in middle school.……………..11

4.1 The requirement of syllabus……………………………………………..……..11

4.2 The requirement of present teaching materials………………………………..12

  1. The application of the principle of intercultural awareness cultivation……………14

5.1 The principle of grading……………………………………………….………14

5.2 The principle of adaptability ………………………………………….………15

5.3 The principle of practicability………………………………….……………..15

  1. The approaches of teaching intercultural awareness cultivation…………………..16

6.1 Teaching intercultural awareness cultivation in classroom……………………16

6.1.1 Adopting role play method……………………………………………….16

6.1.2 Incorporating cultural knowledge………………………………………..17

6.1.3 Adopting contrastive measure……………………………………………18

6.1.4 Adopting audio-visual approach…………………………….…….……..19

6.1.5 Finding cultural background in the textbook………………….….……..19

6.2 Teaching intercultural awareness cultivation outside class………….…………20

6.2.1 Supplying relative cultural material…………………………….……….20

6.2.2 Organizing communicative activities…………………………………….21

  1. Conclusion……………………………………………………………….…..……21





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