The Influences of Chinese-English Cultural Differences on Advertising Language


[Abstract] As the product of culture, advertisement directly reflects the close relationship between language and culture. And advertising language is a special art form, which has profound cultural background and can be influenced by the tendency of the times. This paper investigates the Chinese and English advertising languages, and uncovers the culture differences in advertisements. Then it discusses the problems in the advertising translation, and puts forward the artistic and effective methods of advertising translation.
The world is getting increasingly globalized. Advertisement is closely related to the culture. The purpose of an advertisement is to persuade target consumesers to buy the advertised products or services. Thus, it is a most important task to be aware of the differences between Chinese culture and western culture. This paper analyzes the differences from six aspects: monism versus pluralism, collectivism versus individualism, the implicit way versus the direct way, the imagery pattern versus the abstract pattern, respect of authority versus respect of self-performance, and the differences of social background and aesthetics.
Some defects and even unsuccessful advertisements are made because of the poor quality of translation. This paper proceeds from problems in advertising translation that the translators do not have a good command of the nation-specific culture and is too adhesive to the advertisement’s superficial meaning while there are a lot of cultural factors hidden in the present advertising translation. In fact, advertisement translation requires more than just rendering sentences into another language. Translators have to convert the ideas and thoughts behind the sentences into the target language by applying the knowledge of the target culture. This paper suggests some methods to make advertising translation in view of the language and culture differences.
[Key words] advertising language; culture difference; advertising translation

【摘 要】 广告作为文化的产物,可以更直接地展示语言和文化的关系,所以广告语言是一门具有浓郁文化色彩与时代特点的艺术形式。本文对中、英广告语言进行了探讨,揭示了中英广告的语言在语音、语义、文字形式及修辞等方面的差异以及文化差异。然后,文章分析了广告语言翻译中存在的问题,从文化的角度提出了有关广告翻译的艺术的有效方法。
【关键词】 广告语言;文化差异;广告翻译



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