Abstract in English ……………………………………………………………………4
Abstract in Chinese …………………………………………………………………4
- Introduction ………………………………………………………………………5
2.Politeness ……………………………………………………………………………5
2.1 The Definition of Politeness ……………………………………………………5
2.2 Politeness Principle (PP) and Its Maxims ………………………………………6
2.2.1 Tact Maxim ……………………………………………………………………6
2.2.2 Generosity Maxim ……………………………………………………………7
2.2.3 Approbation Maxim……………………………………………………………9
2.2.4 Modesty Maxim ………………………………………………………………9
2.2.5 Agreement Maxim……………………………………………………………10
2.2.6 Sympathy Maxim ……………………………………………………………10
3.Politeness and Personal Letters ……………………………………………………12
3.1.Components of Personal Letters ………………………………………………12
3.2.Representation of Politeness in Personal Letters ……………………………13
3.2.1Greeting Types………………………………………………………………13
3.2.2 Gender Types ………………………………………………………………14
3.2.3 Intrinsic types ………………………………………………………………14
- Politeness and Business Letters ……………………………………………………15
4.1 Business English letters …………………………………………………………15
4.1.1 Field …………………………………………………………………………15
4.1.2 Tenor …………………………………………………………………………16
4.1.3 Mode …………………………………………………………………………16
4.2.Classification of Business English letters ………………………………………17
4.3.Representation of Politeness in Business Letters ………………………………18
4.3.1 Vocabulary Choosing and Politeness of Business English Letters……………18
4.3.2 Sentences Choosing and Politeness of Business English Letters………………20
- Personal Letters vs. Business English Letters ………………………………………20
5.1 Similarities of Politeness in Two Types of Letters ………………………………21
5.2 Differences of Politeness in Two Types of Letters ………………………………21
5.2.1 The Deviation to the Meaning of Some Commonly-Used Words………………21
5.2.2 Frequently-used Phrases ………………………………………………………22
5.2.3 Frequently-Used Clipping Terminology ………………………………………22
5.2.4 Frequently-Used Plain, Simple Words or Phrases………………………………22
- Conclusionand Implications…………………………………………………………23. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………25
Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………………26
Through a concise comprehension and systematic analysis of G. N. Leech’s politeness principle, personal letters and business English letters, this paper discusses their similarities and differences of personal letters and business letters. It also argues that the principle of politeness in English business correspondence should be upheld. Also presented in this paper are several points of implications to achieve politeness in English business communication. From the comparison, we can see the features and importance of business letters more clearly, which can guide us to pay more attention when we make transactions.
Key words: politeness principle; personal letters; business English letters
本文通过对英国著名语言学家G. N. Leech的礼貌原则, 私人信函和商务英语信函的系统分析及简单了解, 讨论了商务英语信函与私人信函的相似之处与不同之处. 同时, 也论述了商务英语信函应坚持的礼貌原则, 并且也提出了当代商务英语信函应用礼貌原则的几点启示。从它们的比较及给我们的启示中,我们能更清楚地看到商务信函的特征和重要性。这些在我们洽谈业务时能引导我们更加注意、谨慎。
关键词: 礼貌原则; 私人信函; 商务英语信函