摘 要
关键词:在线云音乐系统,JSP,SSM Mysql
With the development of the mobile Internet era, the use of the Internet has become more and more popular, and users will also have exciting moments in obtaining and storing information. Music will gradually blend into people’s lives. Influence and change our lives. With the popularity of various popular music today, people often use online cloud music systems in their daily lives.
This article first analyzes the JSP-based online cloud music system requirements, and systematically designs the system from the aspects of the system development environment, system goals, design process, and functional design. The music player application based on JSP is designed in java language. The client mainly realizes the online cloud music system, selects the most favorite music according to the needs, and sets the main function modules such as playing and collecting favorite songs, viewing song information, and realizing the system functions of the online cloud music system. Through the test of the system functions, the test results show that the system has a friendly interface, complete functions, high use value, a huge potential user group and broad application prospects.
Keywords: online cloud music system, JSP, SSM Mysql
目 录