摘  要


机电公司管理信息系统管理系统按照操作主体分为管理员和用户。管理员的功能包括字典管理、公告管理、考勤管理、客户管理、机电零件管理、机电零件订单管理、请假管理、机电设备管理、机电设备订单管理、用户管理、管理员管理。用户的功能等。该系统采用了MySQL数据库,Java语言,Spring Boot框架等技术进行编程实现。





Nowadays, various fields in society use their own specialized mobile software to work. At this point in the development of the Internet, everyone has found that it is inseparable from internet technology. The application of new technologies often solves some of the shortcomings and difficulties of old technologies. Due to the high difficulty in managing the information content of traditional mechanical and electrical company management information systems, low fault tolerance, and time-consuming model building by management staff, a management information system software for mechanical and electrical companies has been specially developed to solve this problem, which can solve many problems.

The management information system management system software of the mechanical and electrical company is divided into administrators and customers according to the actual operational behavior. The role of an administrator includes dictionary management, publicity management, attendance management, customer management, mechanical and electrical engineering parts management, mechanical and electrical engineering parts order information management, vacation management, mechanical equipment management, mechanical equipment order information management, customer management, and administrator management. Customer performance, etc. This system uses MySQL database system database, Java language expression language, torsion spring dust cover architecture and other technologies to achieve programming implementation.

The management information system software of mechanical and electrical companies can improve the efficiency of information content management in mechanical and electrical company management information systems, enhance the steps of information resource management in mechanical and electrical company management information systems, and ensure the security of information and data in mechanical and electrical company management information systems. It is a very reliable and secure application program.


Key WordsPersonnel management system; MySQL database; Java language

目  录

摘  要


目  录

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题背景

1.2 课题意义

1.3 研究内容

第2章 开发环境与技术


2.2 Java语言介绍

2.3 MySQL数据库

2.4 Spring Boot框架

第3章 系统分析

3.1 可行性分析




3.2 系统流程

3.2.1 操作流程

3.2.2 登录流程

3.2.3 删除信息流程

3.2.4 添加信息流程

3.3 系统设计规则

第4章 系统设计

4.1 系统设计思想

4.2 功能结构设计

4.3 数据库设计

4.3.1 数据库概念设计

4.3.2 数据库物理设计

第5章 系统实现

5.1 管理员功能实现

5.1.1 机电设备管理

5.1.2 机电零件管理

5.1.3 公告管理

5.1.4 公告类型管理

5.2 用户功能实现

5.2.1 机电设备

5.2.2 机电零件

5.1.3 公告信息

5.1.4 公告类型

第6章 系统测试





结  论




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