【摘要】 随着信息自动化处理技术的日益发展,如何科学,全面,高效的对各类纷繁复杂的校园信息事务进行计算机的自动化管理是个热门话题。作为校园信息的管理者,希望能够对各类信息管理的整个流程状态,信息资料的情况了如指掌,使其可以做出科学的决策。作为工作人员期望能够避免繁琐的手工操作,甩掉传统的手工记录方式,达到事半功倍的效果。一个能够使其实现管理系统化、规范化、自动化的计算机系统就显得很有必要。利用计算机技术,实现管理系的自动化,规范化就是这个问题最好的解决方法。
本系统以JSP 2.0技术和 SQL为开发工具,通过后台数据库的建立与设置,软件界面的设计与实现,程序的编写与调试等几个阶段来完成对校园生活信息网的开发。
【关键词】 数据库 JSP 校园生活信息网 查询
【Abstract】With the automation of information technology to deal with the increasing development of science and how comprehensive, cost-effective for all types of complex information services for the campus computer automation management is a hot topic. As a campus information managers in the hope of all types of information management of the entire process, the information is very well informed, so that it can make a scientific decision-making. As a staff member can expect to avoid the cumbersome manual operation to get rid of the traditional manual recording, and highly effective. So that it can manage to achieve a systematic, standardized and automated computer system has become necessary. The use of computer technology, management of the Department of automation and standardization of the problem is that the best solution.
Thesis focused on the “campus life information network” on the basis of the theory and design ideas, according to the system development and function of the system to achieve the main line on the database management software development process. To set out the main software engineering theory as the theoretical basis for the development of systems to the browser / server relational database as a background to the professional development of the database language as a means of database management software development process of analysis and theoretical research.
Of the system in order to JSP 2.0 technology and development tools for SQL, a database of background and the establishment of settings, the software interface design and implementation of procedures to prepare and debugging, and other stages of life on campus to complete the development of information networks.
This paper describes in detail the development of systems of concrete steps, as well as the application of technology, equipped to legend detailed description of the way, and in the text of the source of some detailed explanation.
【Keywords】JSP database of campus life information network query
目 录
绪 论
随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的确立和发展,商业流通领域进入了一个空前的发展阶段,面临商界的激烈竞争,只有在多变的商品和顾客中挖掘并掌握市场需求,即淘汰“卖不出去的商品”,购进“卖得快、利润高的商品”的经营者才会获利,企业也才能在竞争中生存和发展,如果能够选择一个好的管理系统,把大量繁杂的、看似毫无关系的数据,有机的结合起来,形象的反映出市场的供求关系,就能够为得出正确的决策做出事半功倍的效果。在过去,信息管理的操作一般都靠人工操作,如靠人工登记卡片、填写表格资料,然后根据不同的分类发布,都需花费大量的人力和物力来完成。即使前几年,有些单位开始使用电脑管理,但也只是进行一些简单的数据计算的操作。这是一项极其繁琐的工作。通过人手工计算不仅容易出错,而且不能够及时把数据之间的关系形象化表现出来,也就不能够进一步掌握市场的最新动态。而通过本系统基本可解决以上问题,并且能够方便、灵活地对数据库的资料进行查询、统计、打印等操作,所有这些对数据库进行的操作都受到管理级别的限制,确保数据的安全性。 数据库技术是一门历史弥坚的学科,不像其它的计算机技术会随着时间的推移而变得越来越没有声息。考虑其原因,则是因为信息的爆炸对数据库技术的要求只增不减。在互联网日益发展、壮大的背景下,在因特网热潮不减的情况下,如何让原来在单机中使用的数据库可供多机使用,也成了必然的趋势。