目    录




第一章 选题说明

第二章 系统分析

2.1 可行性研究

2.1.1 经济可行性

2.1.2 技术可行性

2.1.3 运行可行性

2.1.4 时间可行性

2.1.5 法律可行性

2.2 需求分析

2.2.1 系统需求

2.2.2 性能需求

2.2.3 应用需求分析

2.2.4 运行需求分析

2.2.5 其他需求分析

2.3 本系统内容的详细分析

第三章 系统设计

3.1 模块设计

3.2 开发环境

3.2.1  Java Server Pages

3.2.2  SQLSERVER2000 数据库

3.3 数据流程图

3.4 数据库设计

3.4.1 数据库设计概述

3.4.2 数据库设计周期

3.5 处理流程设计

3.5.1 数据增加流程

3.5.2 数据修改流程

3.5.3 数据删除流程

3.6 详细设计

3.6.1 用户登陆

3.6.2 商品管理

3.6.3 商品类管理

3.6.4 供应商管理

3.6.5 入库管理

3.6.6 商品出库

3.6.7 商品查询

第四章 课题总结

第五章 心得体会

5.1 对管理信息系统的体会

5.2 设计实践上的体会

























本系统采用JSP(JAVA SERVER PAGES) 2.0为开发工具,后台数据库采用SQLSERVER2000,操作系统为Windows XP。利用软件工程原理,采用面向对象的编程方法,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面,实现了超市商品进销存管理的自动化和信息化.


关键词 :进销存管理;信息管理;系统设计









Expands unceasingly along with the supermarket management scale, the related commodity enters each kind of information which sells saves also doubled and re-doubled to grow. Facing huge information content, it is necessary to develop sells saves the information management system to enhance the sales management work the efficiency. Today we use the computer to enter for the commodity sell save the information to carry on the management, has merit which the manual administration center is unable to compare. Through such system, may achieve the information the standard management, the science statistics and the fast inquiry, thus the reduced management aspect’s work load, raises the working efficiency which effectively sells saves.

This enters sells saves the information management system including each kind of information input, the produce information management, the information inquiry, the data sheet to examine that the management as well as the system register and so on several big modules. As well as introduced the form manufacture process briefly in these big module construction, the procedure compilation, the increase, final compilation process. And narrated author’s in software development process attainment to realize manager after identification authentication might have the complete jurisdiction management system management system.

This system uses JSP (JAVA SERVER PAGES) 2.0 is the development kit, the backstage database uses SQLSERVER2000, the operating system is Windows XP. Using the software engineering principle, uses the object-oriented programming method, its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front end the application procedure development two aspects, realized the library books to enter sells saves the management the automation and the informationization.

Keyword:Enters sells saves the management;Information management;System design




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