摘 要
With the network chat room is a WEB application users compared with love, chat room, the user can timely exchange of information, exchange of ideas. This system mainly uses B/S (Browser/Server, browser / server) simple chat room system development model. The system is mainly used S2SH dynamic web technology and JSP technology development. System development mainly includes the design and data processing function of front page design, (i.e. speech area management and user management).
The system uses MYECLIPSE8.5 as the development tool, the backstage database uses the MYSQL database design, use of S2SH technology and data processing JAVA. Using TOMCAT6.0 or later as a server, chat room chat online chat function and shows the function of user information. In the design process, first establishes the system application model, and then carries on the demand analysis design and implementation of each function gradually. In the detailed design after the unceasing revision and the consummation, after repeated testing and debugging to verify, eventually reaching the feasible system design requirements。
Key words: Ticket reservation , S2SH, B/S structure
目 录