摘  要



在对煤炭企业进销存业务详细调查的基础上,根据系统所需功能,决定以J2EE为开发平台,采用SQL Server 2000做后台数据库,Tomcat作为系统服务器,选择功能强大的MyEclipse为开发工具进行开发。前台页面使用JSP,并且使用了基于MVC机制的Struts技术。实践证明:该系统经济、实用,具有良好的拓展性、稳定性、安全性、可靠性



关键词:煤炭进销存管理系统;Java ;SQL SEVER 2000





















With the development of such companies, the business has constantly increased, the traditional manual approach has been unable to meet the needs of enterprise Invoicing management business, resulting in low efficiency and poor flow of information severely restricted the type of company develop. Therefore, developing an Invoicing management system is very necessary.

Invoicing in the auto parts company’s operations on the basis of detailed investigation, I am using a structured approach to the system were analyzed, but also carried out a detailed system design. Finally, I used the sun’s eclipse3.2 development tool for front, SQL SEVER 2000 database to do back-office support, carried out with the Java programming language. After a thorough debugging and testing, the system can be running, basically to meet the auto parts company’s purchase, sales, inventory management needs.

This paper mainly consists of eight chapters, the first chapter introduces the background for the introduction and significance; second chapter focuses on the needs analysis of their systems before the development of the demand; third chapter is mainly for the systematic analysis of their organizational, operational, and data analysis of flow in the fourth chapter describes the overall design of the main functions of the system; fifth chapter is to introduce the database design, database structure, primarily the design and connection method; sixth chapter focuses on the detailed design and functionality of their systems to achieve a description; 7th s for system testing and performance analysis focuses on the system testing methods, test examples and performance analysis; summary of Chapter VIII of the system mainly for the design and summary of the full-text


Keywords: Invoicing management system; Java; SQL SEVER 2000




目  录


第一章  引言

1.1 煤炭企业系统的开发背景

1.2 国内外发展状况

1.3 系统所要达到的目标

第二章  需求分析

2.1 可行性研究

2.2 需求分析

第三章  系统分析

3.1 企业组织结构分析

3.2 业务流程分析

3.3 数据流程分析

第四章  系统设计

4.1 功能模块设计

4.2 处理流程设计

4.3 代码设计

第五章  数据库设计

5.1 数据库的概念设计

5.2 数据库逻辑结构设计

5.3 数据库物理结构设计

第六章  详细设计

6.1 程序设计

6.2 输入输出界面设计

第七章  系统测试与性能分析

7.1 调试与测试

7.2 性能分析

第八章  总结







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