


本系统采用了目前流行的JSP、Web技术,和功能强大的数据库开发工具MSSQL进行软件开发。为了保证系统能够长期、安全、稳定、可靠、高效的运行,系统分析中应该考虑以下的性能需求:系统处理的准确性和及时性,系统的开放性和系统的可扩充性,系统的易用性和易维护性,数据录入和处理的一致性与完整性,以及数据的共享与独立性。根据软件工程的原理,结合面向对象方法开发完成,服务端的运行环境平台采用了Eclipse +Tomcat+JSP+MSSQL。

关键词 : JSP,MyEclipse, MSSQL,,自动生成试卷





Along with the calculator technique and the higher education of quick development, the calculators all have been universal in every trade, the traditional examination method also faces a change, various according to Internet long range education constantly appears, particularly at school is examination and the student’s relation is very close, under the circumstance that have no calculator system examine of make out questions is a relatively bothers of problem, cost a great deal of time and energy, the teacher makes out questions a work to have great capacity, labor strength strong, and try of the conservancy also relatively covers square, according to above this what time consideration, for resolve the examination tries of diverse sex, random and a little bit above-mentioned problem, teacher’s owning set to try a database management system is very necessary. According to the above problem, we designed an of strong from the organization system, that system can abandon the trouble that the handicraft that the tradition tries tidy up, and can reduce to make out questions of energy and time. This topic is according to the WEB try from organization system of the database management process of sub- system design and realization.

This system adopted to spread currently of JSP, Web technique, and the function strong tool MSSQL of the database development carry on a software development. For promising that the system can be long-term, safety, stability, credibility, efficiently of circulate, should consider a following function need in the system analysis: System processing of accuracy with in time sex, sex and system of the open of system of can enlarge sex, easily use of the system sex with easy maintenance, the data record go into with processing of consistency and integrity, and the share and independence of the data. According to the principle of software engineering, combine to face to an object method a development completion, the service carry of the movement environment terrace adopted Eclipse+Tomcat+JSP+MSSQL.

Key word: JSP,MyEclipse, MSSQL, use case,hand make test paper,auto make test paper







1 绪论

1.1 背景

1.2 目的意义

1.3 主要内容




2 需求分析


2.2 系统需求描述


2.2.3 用例图

2.3 可行性分析

2.3.1 经济可行性

2.3.2 技术可行性

2.3.3 社会可行性

2.3.4 操作可行性

3 系统设计

3.1 系统总体设计

3.1.1 系统功能描述

3.1.2 功能层次图

3.1.3 模块结构图

3.2 数据库设计



4 系统实现

4.1 登陆模块

4.2 专业学科模块

4.3 题库管理模块

4.3 组卷管理模块






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