摘 要

运动会作为各项体育运动的基础,具有广泛的群众性。每年一度的学校运动会声势浩 大,是提高、检验学生的健康水平,开展全民健身运动的有效途径。在规模上虽然不如大型运动会,但由于比赛项目较多,参赛人数广,数据处理量大且变化时效性要求高,管理较为复杂,其编排,记录,公告工作是一项复杂的工程。


在当前的形式下,通过 IT 技术等信息化手段,运动会管理信息化,智能化,以加强赛程数据管理,为决策层提供及时而有效的参考依据。从而达到提升学校信息管理水平的目的,是当今学校信息管理的大势所趋。




Games as the foundation of each sport, has extensive of a mass character. The annual school sports impetus huge, is to improve the students’ health level, inspection, carry on the nationwide fitness campaign an effective way. Although not as large in scale games, but because the event is more, the number of entries is wide, the data processing amount is large and change timeliness demanding, management is more complex, its arrangement, record, notice the work is a complex engineering.

With the increasing development of science and technology, information management of the school has become the embodiment of digital school comprehensive strength is important index. Games management information as an integral part of management, but also indispensable. And the current school sports management to a great extent depend on manual operation, such as by spreadsheets, documents and so on office software to handle large amounts of data. This way not only to the sports information management staff has brought a heavy workload, but also cause the administrator among athletes and lack of communication, is hard to reflect the physical quality of the students.

In its present form, through the IT technology, the means of information, sports information management, intelligent, to strengthen the schedule data management, decision-making layer to provide timely and effective reference, so as to improve the level of information management to schools, is the school information management represent the general trend.

In view of the above problems, design and development of the sports games database system, this system mainly uses the JSP as a development language, the use of SqlServer as database management system, the development environment is MyEclipse, server using tomcat, developed a Web based sports information system.

Keywords: sports, information management, WEB, JSP, B/S structure
目 录

1 绪论

1.1 项目背景

1.2 研究意义

1.3 本系统概述


2.1 系统需求分析

2.1.1 功能需求

2.1.2 性能需求

2.2 系统可行性分析

2.2.1 技术及开发方法可行性

2.2.2 管理可行性

2.2.3 经济可行性

2.3 业务流程分析


3.1 系统物理环境配置

3.2 项目规划

3.3 系统概要设计

3.4 数据库设计

3.4.1 概念设计

3.4.2 逻辑设计

3.4.3 物理设计

3.1 系统详细设计

3.5.1 管理员模块设计


4.1 系统技术实现

4.1.1 B/S 结构概述

4.1.2 JSP简介

4.1.3 SQLServer简介

4.2 系统实现

4.2.1 管理员登录

4.2.2 班级信息管理

4.2.3 项目信息管理

4.2.4 报名信息管理

4.2.5 生成秩序册

4.2.6 成绩统计

5 系统测试

5.1 系统测试方法

5.1.1 系统测试计划

5.1.2 系统测试工具

5.1.3 系统测试方法和测试类型

5.2 系统测试的目的和原则

5.3 系统测试

5.3.1 系统登录测试要点

5.3.2 管理员进入系统测试要点

5.3.3 数据输入测试要点

5.3.4 数据删除测试要点

5.4 系统测试效果


6.1 系统开发总结

6.2 存在问题及改进





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