



企业房屋出租系统是在 J2EE 技术的基础上实现的,它与敏捷的开发方式相融合,完成了整套系统的检验。该管理系统界面简单、操作简便、灵活、实用性强,可以有效的实现房屋出租的管理过程,并大大提高了房屋出租的工作效率,使得房屋出租系统更加系统化、自动化、规范化,并且可用性、可靠性、安全性非常良好。此系统采用标准的三层框架,将复杂的功能模块分为表示层、控制层、业务层等三层结构,降低了系统开发的复杂性。采用的开发技术符合 J2EE 规范,提升系统的运行性能和安全性能,也便于运行期维护。本系统主要分为住户、 房主、管理员三个角色。管理员实现租房信息管理、房屋信息管理、合同信息管理、注册用户管理、留言板管理、基本信息管理等功能。房主实现租房信息管理、查看租房信息、基本信息管理功能。住户实现信息管理以及基本信息管理功能。


关键词:人事管理;B/S 模式;J2EE 架构;MVC


Housing is an important place for human life habitat , cities with a large number of floating population in the rental industry heats up into the infinite space for development. But there are a lot of housing management deficiencies , such as heavy traffic , complex contract management, as well as numerous reports and so on. To keep up with the development of society , for which , after examining the situation and analysis of existing social workers , made ​​our task – rental system . Our rental system in this market environment born out .

Enterprise rental system is based on J2EE technology to achieve it with agile development methods of integration, complete inspection of the entire system . The management system interface is simple and easy to operate, flexible , practical, effective management process to achieve rental , and greatly improve the efficiency of rental , making rental system more systematic, automated , standardized, and availability, reliability, security is very good . This system uses a standard three-tier framework , complex modules into the presentation layer , control layer structure layer, business layer , reducing the complexity of system development . Development of technology used in compliance with the J2EE specification , improve operational performance and safety performance of the system , but also easy to maintain runtime . The system consists of tenants , homeowners , administrators three roles. Administrators realize rental information management , housing information management, contract information management, subscriber management , message boards, management, information management, and other basic functions . Homeowners realize rental information management , view rental information , basic information management functions. Household achieve information management and basic information management functions.


Keywords : Personnel Management ; B / S mode ; J2EE architecture ; MVC



目  录

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景

1.2 课题研究意义

1.3 本课题主要工作

第二章 房屋出租系统相关技术

2.1 J2EE技术

2.2 MVC模式

2.3 B/S结构

2.4 数据库技术

2.5 本章小结

第三章 房屋出租系统需求分析

3.1 系统总体目标

3.2 系统可行性分析

3.3 系统功能需求分析

3.4 系统非功能需求分析

3.5 系统开发环境与开发工具

第四章 系统设计与实现

4.1 设计目标与原则

4.2 系统架构设计

4.3 数据库设计

4.4 系统实现

4.5 界面运行效果

第五章 系统测试

5.1 软件测试及工具

5.2 测试方法

5.3 系统配置要求

5.4 测试内容

5.5 测试结果

5.6 本章小结







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