目 录



1  绪论

2  开发环境及相关技术的介绍

2.1  开发环境

2.2  Java语言特点

2.3 本章小结

3  程序结构、思想和相关技术

3.1 本程序需要解决的主要技术问题

3.2 PNG图片格式

3.3 内存的优化

3.4 关于混淆器

3.5 本章小结

4  程序分析和具体实现

4.1 贪吃蛇游戏的规则简介以及开发环境

4.1.1 贪吃蛇游戏的规则简介

4.1.2 开发环境

4.2 详细设计

4.2.1 操作流程

4.2.2 代码设计


5  测试

5.1 游戏的调试

5.2 游戏的运行环境

6  总结

6.1 本程序的总结和展望

6.2 感想






摘 要



本文在介绍Java 相关技术和国内外发展现状的基础上,对“贪吃蛇”游戏的整个生命周期的各个开发阶段进行了详细地介绍。首先,分析了开发本游戏软件的可行性,重点分析本设计所采用的技术的可行性。其次,从游戏主界面等几方面,分析了本游戏的功能需求;从可使用性和安全性方面分析了属性需求。然后,进行了游戏的概要设计和详细设计,这也是本文的重点。概要设计给出二个功能模块的主框架以及六个类模块的函数调用关系;详细设计介绍了Java标准运行环境的配置,重点给出各个类模块的程序流程图以及UML图,列表介绍了各个类包含的变量、使用的方法,展示了游戏的界面。为了保证程序代码的正确性和功能实现的可靠性,本文还介绍了游戏软件的程序调试和功能测试结果,并且对本设计的成果和不足进行了总结。最后,本文还提出软件的维护措施。


















In recent years, Java took one kind of new programming language, by its merits and so on simplicity, probability and platform independency, obtained widely has applied, specially Java and World Wide Web’s perfect union, caused it to become the network programming and the embedded programming domain first choice programming language. JBuilder is Borland Corporation uses in developing the Java application fast a section of outstanding integrated development environment, it by its friendly merits and so on development contact surface, formidable module support, obtains general programmer’s acceptance and approves. “the gluttonous snake” the game is a classical game, it because of the simplicity of operator, the entertainment is strong, but Guang Shou welcome. This article based on the Java technology and the JBuilder development environment, developed a simplicity of operator, the contact surface to be artistic, function complete “gluttonous snake” game. The entire game procedure divides into two functional modules, six kind of modules, have realized game’s start, the suspension, the conclusion. Through this game’s development, achieves studies the Java technology and the familiar software development flow goal. this article in introduced that the Java correlation technique and in the domestic and foreign development present situation’s foundation, right “the gluttonous snake” game’s entire life cycle’s each phase of exploitation carried on introduced in detail. First, analyzed has developed this game software’s feasibility, selective analysis this design used technical feasibility. Next, from plays the main contact surface and so on several aspects, has analyzed this game’s function demand; Have analyzed the attribute demand from the workability and the secure aspect. Then, has carried on game’s preliminary design and the detailed design, this is also this article key point. The preliminary design gives two functional modules the main frame as well as six kind of module function call relations; The detailed design introduced the Java standard movement environment’s disposition, gave each kind of module with emphasis the program flow diagram as well as the UML chart, the tabulation introduced each kind contained the variable, the use method, has demonstrated game’s contact surface. In order to guarantee the procedure code the accuracy and the function realize the reliability, this article also introduced the game software’s program debugging and the function testing result, and has carried on the summary insufficient to this design’s achievement. Finally, this article also proposes software’s maintenance measure.

Key words:JAVA; Game; Software development






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