With the development of science and technology, Internet epidemic, people living standards, leisure fishing as a fashion, Diao You set a club that is an inevitable trend. More and more people began to love fishing, more and more people began to carry out a variety of web transactions. The development of the system in light of the actual business of the club Diaoyou, Diaoyou greatly facilitate the exchange of great practical significance.
Diaoyou club, the club’s main Diaoyou network management. Web front of the main system is responsible for dealing with users, user registration, log on, gear information management products, Member Center, and other functions, as well as the sale of statistical inquiries. Diaoyou Diaoyou club and in between the structures of a bridge.
Based on the WEB, using JSP and database SQLServer2000, Club Diaoyou developed a management system that focuses on the function of site design and realization of the details.
Key words: Diaoyou club system, JSP, the information age
目 录
1.4.2 Microsoft SQLServer2000 简介