摘  要


高校人才培养计划的重要组成部分,是实现人才培养目标、培养学生科研能力与创新思维、检验学生综合素质与实践能力的重要手段与综合性实践教学环节。而我所在学院多采用线下教育教学的方式,所以有必要开发平时成绩管理系统来对教学档案进行数字化管理。既可减轻学院教职员工工作压力,比较系统地对教务、教学上的各项服务和信息进行管理,又可加快成绩查询速度、加强成绩管理,跟上国家各部门关于信息化的步伐,使各项管理更加规范化。 正是针对上述问题,本论文对平时成绩管理系统的开发过程进行了较为详细的论述,ssm 框架和 java 开发的 Web 框架, eclipse开发工具。





关键词平时成绩管理系统  ;java技术 ;Mysql数据库;  ssm框架







As an important part of the talent training plan in Colleges and universities, it is an important means and comprehensive practical teaching link to achieve the goal of talent training, cultivate students’ scientific research ability and innovative thinking, and test students’ comprehensive quality and practical ability. And my college mostly adopts the way of offline education and teaching, so it is necessary to develop the usual performance management system to carry out digital management of teaching archives. It can not only reduce the work pressure of the faculty and staff, but also systematically manage the various services and information of educational administration and teaching, accelerate the speed of score inquiry, strengthen the score management, keep up with the pace of informatization of various departments of the state, and make the management more standardized. In view of the above problems, this paper discusses the development process of usual performance management system in detail, including SSM framework, web framework developed by Java and eclipse development tool.


Peacetime performance management system, the main modules include administrator; home, personal center, announcement information management, class management, student management, teacher management, course information management, student course selection management, course performance management, test management, paper management, examination management, student; home, personal center, announcement information management, course information management, student course selection management It has the following functions: Science, course performance management, examination management; teacher; home page, personal center, announcement information management, course information management, student course selection management, course performance management, test paper management, examination management, etc. The administrator in the system is mainly for the safe and effective storage and management of all kinds of information, can also manage and update the system maintenance and other operations, and has the corresponding operation authority on the background.


In order to realize the functions of the usual performance management system, it needs the strong support of the background database. The administrator verifies the registration information, collects the user information, and obtains the association information and so on massive data by the database management. In this paper, the database server uses MySQL as the background database, so that the web and database are closely linked. In the design process, it fully ensures the good readability, practicability, expansibility, universality, easy to maintain, easy to operate and concise page of the system code.


The development of the system makes it more convenient to obtain the information of the usual performance management system, and also makes the information of the usual performance management system more systematic and orderly. The system interface is friendly and easy to operate.


Key words: usual performance management system; Java technology; MySQL database; SSM framework

目  录




1 系统概述 2

1.1 概述 3


1.3 主要内容

2 系统开发环境

  1. 1 SSM结构模式
  2. 2JAVA简介



2.5 MySql数据库

3 需求分析







4.1 概述

4.2 系统结构

4.3 数据库设计

4.3.1 数据库实体

4.3.2 数据库设计表

4.4 数据表

5 系统详细设计




6 系统测试



6.3 测试结果


致 谢




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