摘 要


关键字:公交智能,管理调度,JSP, SQL 车辆管理
















According to the management  of the bus of our city of the present stage, the actual conditions in dispatcher, etc., design and set out the intellectual administrative system of the attitude. Manage and utilize the means, such as wireless traffic technology, electronic technology computer network technology, data base technology, etc., intelligently in public transport, realized the public transit dispatcher intelligently, modernization. The dispatcher of the public transport is a core of the public traffic system of the intelligence. It uses the theory and method of the system engineering, modern new and high technology, such as comprehensive communication, information, controlling, computer, network, etc., According to real-time flow of passengers information, vehicle travel direction information, present position information of vehicle and vehicle present destination time information, etc.. Through the computer gathers the dates, control, manage commanding in real-time. The ones that utilized LED to show the approximate position of the vehicle, travel direction at present, realize to public transit vehicle were managed intelligently. The controller can carry on the departure time and spacing interval of the arrangement vehicle rationally sequentially, and examine the bus driver. Thus make the public transit vehicle operate the orderly, steady, high-efficient, coordination, swifter, more convenient, realize the rational distribution of resources, have improved the overall service level, economic benefits and social benefit of public transit system; it makes the traffic administration from changing passively in the initiative direction.

KEY WORDS: intelligently in public transport, SQLSERVER2000, JSP




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