
本课程设计利用JSP开发工具和SQL SERVER 2008数据库来开发的。该系统要解决的是客运信息管理系统管理中所要解决的问题,可以满足网上汽车票订票系统的基本要求。该系统能根据用户的需求,快捷方便的为用户提供服务。
























Abstract:Develops unceasingly along with the human society and progresses, the network is playing more and more important role in people’s daily life. Is following the information content which and to the network dependence the people grow day by day, as well as in the Web service contains huge information content, the people regarding the network convenience quick, interactive, as well as the secure anticipation are also getting higher and higher. The service user, as well as brings the biggest convenience for the user, has been the network development goal and the direction. Nowadays, the networking in the sales service domain’s widespread utilization, has developed the networking utilization new chapter. The WEB technology on-line JSPects and so on sale and electronic commerce obtained the promotion vigorously, the development technology and the management pattern is also particularly emerges one after another incessantly, takes one kind of new sales model, enormous impetus social economy development.

This curriculum project develops using the JSP development kit and the SQL SERVER 2008 database. What this system must solve is in the airplane ticket predetermined management must solve the problem, may satisfy on-line predetermined airplane ticket the essential requirements. This system can act according to the user the demand, what facilitates quickly is the user provides the service.


Key word:WEB technology,JSP,System design,auto ticket predetermined system









目 录



2.1 可行性研究

2.1.1 经济可行性

2.1.2 技术可行性

2.1.3 运行可行性

2.1.4 时间可行性

2.1.5 法律可行性

2.2 需求分析

2.2.1 系统需求

2.2.2 性能需求

2.2.3 应用需求分析

2.2.4 运行需求分析

2.2.5 其他需求分析

3 相关技术分析

3.1 JSP技术简介

3.2 JSP工作原理

3.3 JSP体系结构

3.4 JSP的特点

3.5 SQLSERVER 2008 数据库

3.6 系统数据库连接

3.7 BS模式与C/S模式的比较分析


4.1 问题描述

4.2 系统功能

4.3 网上汽车票订票系统的性能要求


5.1 首页

5.2 线路信息管理

5.3 订票信息管理

5.4 用户登陆

5.5 用户注册


6.1 程序调试

6.2 程序的测试

6.2.1 测试的重要性及目的

6.2.2 测试的步骤

6.2.3 测试的主要内容







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