摘 要:随着电子商务,网上商店的普及,商品的网上展示与订购逐渐成为时尚,网上商店的技术实现也成为了一个比较常见的课题。本文就网上花店的实现做了一些探索。 本系统设计《基于WEB的馨心电子花店》,主要采用JSP开发技术和SQL SERVER 2000数据库技术来开发,实现了客户购买的前台页面和管理员管理的后台管理页面。普通客户在浏览页面的时候可以进行商品的浏览、购买、下定单、注册成为会员,查看和修改用户信息等操作。管理员可以进入系统的后台进行管理,可以进行花品的添加、修改、删除,用户订单的处理、客户信息的查询以及其他基本信息的录入和修改等操作。本文详细阐述了整个应用系统的设计思路,并对各部分设计进行了详尽的分析,最终形成了一个完整的设计方案。
关键词:JSP SQL Server 2000 馨心电子花店 Web
The Design and Implementation of florist shop on WEB
Abstract: With the popularization of the e-commerce and online shop, the goods showed on the line, ordered through web site are becoming more fashionable gradually, so the technology of the online-shop has become a more familiar subject too. This text has done some exploration on the realization of the online florist shop. This system is ” the online system of florist shop based on WEB “, adopting JSP technology and SQL SERVER 2000 database technology to develop, the front-desk page for customers buying and back-desk for administrator’s management . The ordinary customer browsing the site can make purchase , make order form , register , revise user’s information and so on. The administrator can enter the systematic back-stage to manage , adding , modifying , deleting the product , to deal with the user’s order , to inquiry other basic information and so on . This text explaining the mentality of designing of the whole application system in detail , designing exhaustive analysis to every part, has formed an intact design plan finally.
Keywords: JSP,SQL Server 2000, florist shop, Web.
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