
摘  要


本文阐述了图书管理系统的设计与实现,本系统采用myeclipse10+SQL Sever 2008作为开发工具。主要实现书架管理、图书与读者类型管理、读者管理、图书管理、还创建了正在借阅与借阅历史等管理界面。本系统操作简单,界面友好。



关键词 图书馆,JSP,SQLSERVER2008





Design and Realization of A Small Digital Library



Library, as an essential part of people life way of washing in our own minds, should change the deficiency of traditional book management, combining the modern books management and network, using the characteristics of the Internet itself, break the constraints of geographical location, spread to the modern books management mode. At present, the network has emerged a large number of books management, books management as the inevitable outcome of The Times, has obtained people’s approval. With the wide application of Internet network in the field of library management, this topic mainly designed the computer books management system management system design and implementation of the scheme, provide people with a leisure reading place, alleviate the pressure of the modern people more and more big, and achieve better management of books, let more people to the whole process from the introduction, reading more convenient.


This article elaborated the books management system management system design and implementation, this system adopts the myeclipse10 + SQL Sever 2008 as a development tool. Main realization bookshelf, the types of books and readers management, reader management, library management, also created are borrowing and lending history management interface, etc. This system operation is simple, friendly interface.



Key WordsLibrary, jsp, SQLSEVER2008





目 录

1 绪 论

1.1 课题背景及意义

1.2 课题的研究与开发目的


2 图书馆管理系统的需求分析


2.2 系统流程分析

2.3 系统功能分析

3 开发工具及相关技术

3.1 myeclipse软件的介绍

3.2 JSP语言的简介

3.3 SQL Sever2008介绍

4 图书管理系统的总体设计

4.1 系统数据库的设计

4.2 数据库的E-R图

4.3 系统主要功能的用例图

4.4 系统主要功能的静态图

4.5 系统的组件视图

5 图书管理系统主要实现的功能

5.1 登入界面

5.2 用户管理界面

5.3 图书与读者类型界面

5.4 图书与读者管理界面

5.5 正在借阅与借阅历史界面

6 测试与分析

6.1 为什么要进行系统测试软件

6.2 软件测试

6.3 本系统测试

7 结 论

附 录


致 谢




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