
摘  要


















关键字: JSP;B/S结构;MYSQL;音乐资讯网



Interaction of tourism website is based on a Internet, using JAVA technology development and tourism services company in the public information platform.

The thesis first introduces the interactive tourism status and development background, and then discusses the system design objectives, system requirements and design program, more detailed discussion of the detailed design of the system and the realization of. Finally, the interaction of tourism web application software are briefly introduced.

This paper takes JSP as the development technology, to achieve a set of tourism information release and SNS social integration in interactive travel information web site, the system of Tourist Attractions Based on to expand the system, users can browse the travel information, and comment on, can collection spots, can be of interest to make more friends, and then through the integrated the SNS module to send a message, post operation. Tourism information and SNS perfect combination, the user experience more all-around change.

In terms of design, system uses B/S three layer structure, at the same time the use of JSP technology for dynamic page design, from the system of security and code reusability considerations, the use of JavaBean on the key procedure code package. Background database using MYSQL database.









Key Words:JSP;B/S structure;MYSQL;Interaction of tourism information network



目 录



1.1  系统说明

1.2  系统特点

1.3  系统功能简介

1.3.1 管理员功能

1.3.2  会员功能


2.1  JSP简介

2.2 Struts构架技术简介

2.3 SSH框架整合技术

2.3.1 Struts

2.3.2 Spring

2.3.3 Hibernate

24  系统数据库介绍

2.4.1 数据库的概念

2.4.2  “结构化查询语言”(SQL)简介

2.5 系统运行环境配置



3.2  系统结构分析

3.2.1  逻辑结构

3.2.2  物理结构




4.2.1 系统原理



5.1  前台

5.2  后台

5.2.1  音乐资讯管理

5.2.2  MV管理

5.2.3  音乐类别管理

5.2.4  MV评论管理


5.2.5  广告图片


5.2.6 网站简介

5.2.7 网站公告

5.2.8  联系我们

5.2.9  留言管理

5.2.10 友情链接

5.2.11 退出后台







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