
中  文  摘  要

随着科技的发展,计算机的普及,市场竞争愈发激烈。如何高效加强对客户信息的管理,挖掘有效的客户资源,与客户建立良好的关系,早已成为市场竞争的核心。本文采用先进的信息管理(IM)技术,结合企业客户关系管理(CustomerRelationship Management System)理论,设计开发了一套可自动抽取关系的客户关系管理系统。其目的是告别传统客户关系管理工作的种种弊端,安全、高效、快捷的保存客户关系数据信息,根据客户关系识别规则自动抽取客户关系的工作过程,分为买卖关系、供应链关系、合作伙伴、竞争对手关系,并以图形方式展示,从而提高客户关系管理的工作水平,提升企业经营管理能力。




The design and implementation of customer relationship management system based on automatic extraction


With the development of science and technology, the popularity of computer, increasingly fierce competition in the market. How effectively strengthen the management of customer information, explore effective customer resources, establish a good relationship with customers and have become the core of competition in the market. In this paper, the use of advanced information Management (IM) technology, combined with the enterprise customer relationship Management (CustomerRelationship Management System) theory, designed and developed a set of customer relationship Management (CRM) System can automatically extract relationships. Its purpose is to bid farewell to the shortcomings of traditional customer relationship management, safe, efficient, fast to save customer relationship data information, according to the customer relationship identification rules automatically extract the working process of the customer relationship, divided into the business relationship, supply chain relationship, partners, competitors, and graphically display, so as to improve the level of job of customer relationship management, improve enterprise management ability.

The system is mainly introduced in this paper is based on B/S architecture design pattern, the background for the Java development language, database platform for MySQL, the construction of the server environment, integrated development environment of simple introduction, development tools and technologies such as system design, the purpose of the background and feasibility based data management system and so on six system function module design, architecture design and the realization of functions, problems and countermeasures in system testing, summary of system development.

KEY  WORDS:  Customer Relationship Management (CRM); B/S; JAVA; Management









abstract II

目录 III

第一章  绪论

1.1 课题的来源及意义

1.2 课题主要研究的问题

1.3 系统设计的目标及基本思路

1.3.1 设计目标

1.3.2 基本思路

第二章  用户权限管理

2.1 用户类别

2.2 系统管理员

2.3 高管

2.4 销售主管

2.5 客户经理

2.6 员工

第三章  营销计划管理

3.1 销售机会管理

3.2 客户开发计划

第四章  客户变动管理

4.1 新增客户管理

4.2 客户流失管理

第五章  报表统计分析

5.1 客户贡献分析

5.2 客户组成分析

5.3 客户服务分析

5.4 客户流失分析

第六章  基础数据管理

6.1 查询产品信息

第七章  客户关系管理

7.1 供货关系

7.2 供应链关系

7.3 竞争关系

第八章  可自动抽取关系的客户关系管理系统的设计与实现

8.1 可自动抽取关系的客户关系管理系统系统分析

8.2 可自动抽取关系的客户关系管理系统的整体架构设计

8.2.1 系统总体架构

8.2.2 系统技术架构

第九章  可自动抽取关系的客户关系管理系统的系统测试

9.1 系统测试过程

9.2 系统测试结果









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