


本富硒产品质量管理系统是针对目前富硒产品质量管理的实际需求,从实际工作出发,在分析以前富硒产品质量管理系统中存在问题的基础上,结合管理信息系统开发的概念、结构及系统开发的基本原理和方法,并利用计算机运算速度快、存储信息容量大、处理逻辑问题强、功能强大的优势,采用目前最流行的B/S结构和JSP中流行的MVC三层设计模式。本富硒产品质量管理系统主要包括“登录模块”、“系统用户管理模块”、 “检验员管理模块”、 “富硒产品类别管理模块”、 “富硒产品管理模块”、“富硒产品检验管理模块”、“系统参数管理模块”等多个模块。它帮助富硒产品质量管理实现了信息化、网络化,通过测试,实现了系统设计目标,相比传统得管理模式,本系统合理的利用了富硒产品质量管理数据资源,有效的减少了富硒产品质量管理的经济投入,大大提高了富硒产品质量管理的效率。






Enshi selenium-rich product quality management system based on JSP design implementation


With the development of science and technology, especially the development of the Internet, IT make the information age gradually instead of the last century era of industrialization, the rapid development of Internet, changed the pattern of numerous industry, make people’s life into the high speed, convenient and quick rhythm, the use of the quality of the products is also very seriously. In recent years, with the development of se-enriched products and range of augmented selenium-rich product quality management undoubtedly increased the selenium-rich product quality management agencies and the pressure of the staff. Through several years of data collection and investigation and study, selenium-rich product quality management has a very rich selenium product quality management data, but the previous management is through the artificial to search, management, etc., the traditional management methods and the rapid development of Internet has serious now can not adapt to, in the present selenium-rich product quality management has become difficult, did not play a proper role. In recent years, in order to improve and perfect the management system of hospital selenium-rich product quality management, give full play to the advantages of selenium-rich product quality management, improve the level of hospital development, promote the selenium-rich product quality management activities to develop in the direction of healthy, civilized, and progressive, formulates this management approach. Realizing the construction of informatization, we will make the management means digital, intelligent and modern. The modernization management system relying on informationization is the inevitable development trend of the quality management system of the rich selenium products.

The se-enriched products quality management system is in light of the actual demand of the selenium-rich product quality management, starting from the practical work, based on the analysis of se-enriched products before, on the basis of existed problems in the quality management system, combining with the concept of management information system development, structure and basic principle and method of system development, and use the information stored in the computer operation speed, large capacity, strong processing logic problem, powerful advantages, by far the most popular B/S structure and JSP in popular MVC three layer design model. The selenium-rich product quality management system is mainly including “login module”, “the system user management module”, “inspector management module”, “rich selenium product category management module”, “selenium-rich product management module”, “rich selenium product inspection management module”, “system parameter management module and other modules. It helps the selenium-rich product quality management to achieve the informatization and networking, through testing, and realized the system design goal, compared with the traditional management mode, this system is reasonable use of selenium-rich product quality management data resources, effectively reduce the economic input of selenium-rich product quality management, greatly improving the efficiency of selenium-rich product quality management.

Key words:Quality management of selenium products; B/S; Modern management; The JSP






1  绪论




2 相关技术知识介绍

2.1 JSP相关技术介绍

2.2 MVC开发模式介绍

2.3 sqlserver相关知识介绍

2.4 三层结构体系

3 系统分析


3.1.1 技术可行性

3.1.2 经济可行性

3.1.3 操作可行性

3.2 功能需求分析

3.3 数据需求分析

3.4 性能需求分析


4  系统设计



4.3 数据库的设计

4.3.1 概念模型的设计

4.3.2 数据库表的设计

5  系统实现






6  系统测试




7  总结


致 谢




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