Computer lesson for platform design and implementation
“MOOC” this network technology will give higher education brings new opportunities and challenges and impact. In the influence of the higher education at the same time, the MOOC as a way of network learning, should not ignore the influence on the learning of college students, especially for college students’ autonomous learning has a great influence. Autonomous learning refers to students as the main body of learning, through the analysis of the student independently, exploration, practice, questioning and creation methods to achieve learning goals, complete knowledge of learning, is a kind of study way. At the same time, autonomous learning is different from person to person, owing to the different study way, owing to the different learning objectives, based on computer network platform for class environment of learning on college students’ computer autonomous learning has a great influence.
According to the research status and development trend of this system, the system from the demand analysis, structure design, database design, in to the system implementation, respectively for the front-end and back-end. Content of the paper from the system description, system analysis, system design, system implementation, system testing, to elaborate the development process of the system. The system tries to combine the actual find out a feasible development plan, after repeated research and study, using the Java programming language, the JSP technology, essentially a database and tomcat server to accomplish all functions of the system, and finally to the system test, to detect system permissions and loopholes, thus the system perfect, to conform to the standard.
Key words: Computer for class of platform, the Java programming language, used to the database